rails 返回json_使用Rails 5构建RESTful JSON API-第二部分
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rails 返回json

In of this tutorial, we managed to generate an API-only Rails application, set up a testing framework, and use TDD to implement the todo API.

在本教程的第一中,我们设法生成了仅API的Rails应用程序,建立了测试框架,并使用TDD实现了todo API。

In this part of the tutorial, we'll implement token-based authentication with (JSON Web Tokens). In this implementation, we'll proceed with our approach of using TDD principles to add the authentication features.

在本部分的教程中,我们将使用 (JSON Web令牌)实现基于令牌的身份验证。 在此实现中,我们将继续使用TDD原理添加身份验证功能的方法。

认证方式 (Authentication)

Our API should be able to support user accounts with each user having the ability managing their own resources. We'll adapt approach with notable alterations.

我们的API应该能够支持用户帐户,并且每个用户都有能力管理自己的资源。 我们将对方法进行重大改动。

First, generate a user model.


$ rails g model User name:string email:string password_digest:string# run the migrations$ rails db:migrate# make sure the test environment is ready$ rails db:test:prepare

If you're wondering why we have password_digest field instead of a normal password field, hang tight, we'll go over this soon enough. :)

如果您想知道为什么我们有password_digest字段而不是普通的password字段,请耐心等待,我们将尽快对此进行讨论。 :)

Let's define the user model spec.


# spec/models/user_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'# Test suite for User modelRSpec.describe User, type: :model do  # Association test  # ensure User model has a 1:m relationship with the Todo model  it {
should have_many(:todos) } # Validation tests # ensure name, email and password_digest are present before save it {
should validate_presence_of(:name) } it {
should validate_presence_of(:email) } it {
should validate_presence_of(:password_digest) }end

Users should be able to manage their own todo lists. Thus, the user model should have a one to many relationship with the todo model. We also want to make sure that on every user account creation we have all the required credentials.

用户应该能够管理自己的待办事项列表。 因此,用户模型应该与待办事项模型具有一对多的关系。 我们还希望确保在每次创建用户帐户时,我们都具有所有必需的凭据。

Let's add a user factory. This will be used by our test suite to create test users.

让我们添加一个用户工厂。 我们的测试套件将使用它来创建测试用户。

# spec/factories/users.rbFactoryBot.define do  factory :user do    name {
Faker::Name.name } email 'foo@bar.com' password 'foobar' endend

Run the tests and...


User specs are failing as expected. Let's fix that by implementing the user model.

用户规范失败。 让我们通过实现用户模型来解决此问题。

# app/models/user.rbclass User < ApplicationRecord  # encrypt password  has_secure_password  # Model associations  has_many :todos, foreign_key: :created_by  # Validations  validates_presence_of :name, :email, :password_digestend

Our user model defines a 1:m relationship with the todo model also adds field validations. Note that user model calls the method has_secure_password, this adds methods to authenticate against a bcrypt password. It's this mechanism that requires us to have a password_digest attribute. Thus, we need to have the bcrypt gem as a dependency.

我们的用户模型与todo模型定义了1:m关系,还添加了字段验证。 请注意,用户模型调用方法has_secure_password ,这将添加用于针对bcrypt密码进行身份验证的方法。 正是这种机制要求我们具有password_digest属性。 因此,我们需要将bcrypt gem作为依赖项。

# Gemfile# [...]# Use ActiveModel has_secure_passwordgem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'# [...]

Install the gem and run the tests.


$ bundleinstall$ bundle exec rspec

All green!


Model's all set up to save the users. We're going to wire up the rest of the authentication system by adding the following service classes:

模型的全部设置都是为了保存用户。 我们将通过添加以下服务类来连接身份验证系统的其余部分:

  • JsonWebToken - Encode and decode jwt tokens

  • AuthorizeApiRequest - Authorize each API request

  • AuthenticateUser - Authenticate users

  • AuthenticationController - Orchestrate authentication process


( )

We're going to implement . We'll make use of the jwt gem to manage JSON web tokens(jwt). Let's add this to the Gemfile and install it.

我们将实现 。 我们将使用jwt gem来管理JSON Web令牌(jwt)。 让我们将其添加到Gemfile并安装。

# Gemfile# [...]gem 'jwt'# [...]
$ bundleinstall

Our class will live in the lib directory since it's not domain specific; if we were to move it to a different application it should work with minimal configuration. There's a small caveat, though...

我们的课程将存在于lib目录中,因为它不是特定于域的; 如果我们要将其移至其他应用程序,则应使用最少的配置。 不过要注意一点……

As of Rails 5, because of thread safety.

从Rails 5开始,由于线程安全, 。

This is a huge concern for us since lib is part of auto-load paths. To counter this change, we'll add our lib in app since all code in app is auto-loaded in development and eager-loaded in production. Here's a long discussion on .

这对我们来说是一个巨大的问题,因为lib是自动加载路径的一部分。 为了应对这一变化,我们将在app添加我们的lib ,因为app所有代码都会在开发中自动加载,并在生产中急于加载。 关于内容,这里有很长的讨论

Great, let's do this! Add the lib directory and the jwt class file.

太好了,让我们做吧! 添加lib目录和jwt类文件。

# create custom lib$ mkdir app/lib$ touch app/lib/json_web_token.rb

Define jwt singleton.


# app/lib/json_web_token.rbclass JsonWebToken  # secret to encode and decode token  HMAC_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base  def self.encode(payload, exp = 24.hours.from_now)    # set expiry to 24 hours from creation time    payload[:exp] = exp.to_i    # sign token with application secret    JWT.encode(payload, HMAC_SECRET)  end  def self.decode(token)    # get payload; first index in decoded Array    body = JWT.decode(token, HMAC_SECRET)[0]    HashWithIndifferentAccess.new body    # rescue from all decode errors  rescue JWT::DecodeError => e    # raise custom error to be handled by custom handler    raise ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, e.message  endend

This singleton wraps JWT to provide token encoding and decoding methods. The encode method will be responsible for creating tokens based on a payload (user id) and expiration period. Since every Rails application has a unique secret key, we'll use that as our secret to sign tokens. The decode method, on the other hand, accepts a token and attempts to decode it using the same secret used in encoding. In the event decoding fails, be it due to expiration or validation, JWT will raise respective exceptions which will be caught and handled by the Exception Handler module.

此单例包装JWT以提供令牌编码和解码方法。 编码方法将负责根据有效负载(用户ID)和有效期限创建令牌。 由于每个Rails应用程序都有唯一的密钥,因此我们将其用作签名令牌的密钥。 另一方面,解码方法接受令牌,并尝试使用编码中使用的相同机密对令牌进行解码。 如果由于过期或验证而导致解码失败, JWT将引发相应的异常,这些Exception Handler将由Exception Handler模块捕获并处理。

module ExceptionHandler  extend ActiveSupport::Concern  # Define custom error subclasses - rescue catches `StandardErrors`  class AuthenticationError < StandardError; end  class MissingToken < StandardError; end  class InvalidToken < StandardError; end  included do    # Define custom handlers    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :four_twenty_two    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::AuthenticationError, with: :unauthorized_request    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, with: :four_twenty_two    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, with: :four_twenty_two    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |e|      json_response({
message: e.message }, :not_found) end end private # JSON response with message; Status code 422 - unprocessable entity def four_twenty_two(e) json_response({
message: e.message }, :unprocessable_entity) end # JSON response with message; Status code 401 - Unauthorized def unauthorized_request(e) json_response({
message: e.message }, :unauthorized) endend

We've defined custom Standard Error sub-classes to help handle exceptions raised. By defining error classes as sub-classes of standard error, we're able to rescue_from them once raised.

我们定义了自定义的Standard Error子类,以帮助处理引发的异常。 通过将错误类定义为标准错误的子类,一旦出现错误,我们就可以从中rescue_from

( )

This class will be responsible for authorizing all API requests making sure that all requests have a valid token and user payload.


Since this is an authentication service class, it'll live in app/auth.


# create auth folder to house auth services$ mkdir app/auth$ touch app/auth/authorize_api_request.rb# Create corresponding spec files$ mkdir spec/auth$ touch spec/auth/authorize_api_request_spec.rb

Let's define its specifications


# spec/auth/authorize_api_request_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe AuthorizeApiRequest do  # Create test user  let(:user) {
create(:user) } # Mock `Authorization` header let(:header) {
'Authorization' => token_generator(user.id) } } # Invalid request subject subject(:invalid_request_obj) {
}) } # Valid request subject subject(:request_obj) {
described_class.new(header) } # Test Suite for AuthorizeApiRequest#call # This is our entry point into the service class describe '#call' do # returns user object when request is valid context 'when valid request' do it 'returns user object' do result = request_obj.call expect(result[:user]).to eq(user) end end # returns error message when invalid request context 'when invalid request' do context 'when missing token' do it 'raises a MissingToken error' do expect {
invalid_request_obj.call } .to raise_error(ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, 'Missing token') end end context 'when invalid token' do subject(:invalid_request_obj) do # custom helper method `token_generator` described_class.new('Authorization' => token_generator(5)) end it 'raises an InvalidToken error' do expect {
invalid_request_obj.call } .to raise_error(ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, /Invalid token/) end end context 'when token is expired' do let(:header) {
'Authorization' => expired_token_generator(user.id) } } subject(:request_obj) {
described_class.new(header) } it 'raises ExceptionHandler::ExpiredSignature error' do expect {
request_obj.call } .to raise_error( ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, /Signature has expired/ ) end end context 'fake token' do let(:header) {
'Authorization' => 'foobar' } } subject(:invalid_request_obj) {
described_class.new(header) } it 'handles JWT::DecodeError' do expect {
invalid_request_obj.call } .to raise_error( ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, /Not enough or too many segments/ ) end end end endend

The AuthorizeApiRequest service should have an entry method call that returns a valid user object when the request is valid and raises an error when invalid. Note that we also have a couple of test helper methods;

AuthorizeApiRequest服务应该具有一个入口方法call ,该请求方法将在请求有效时返回有效的用户对象,并在无效时引发错误。 注意,我们还有两种测试助手方法。

  • token_generator - generate test token

  • expired_token_generator - generate expired token


We'll define these helpers in spec/support.


# create module file$ touch spec/support/controller_spec_helper.rb
# spec/support/controller_spec_helper.rbmodule ControllerSpecHelper  # generate tokens from user id  def token_generator(user_id)    JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: user_id)  end  # generate expired tokens from user id  def expired_token_generator(user_id)    JsonWebToken.encode({
user_id: user_id }, (Time.now.to_i - 10)) end # return valid headers def valid_headers {
"Authorization" => token_generator(user.id), "Content-Type" => "application/json" } end # return invalid headers def invalid_headers {
"Authorization" => nil, "Content-Type" => "application/json" } endend

We also have additional test helpers to generate headers. In order to make use of these helper methods, we have to include the module in rails helper. While we're here let's also include RequestSpecHelper to all types (not just requests); remove type: :request. This way, we'll be able to reuse our handy json helper.

我们还具有其他测试助手来生成标头。 为了利用这些辅助方法,我们必须将模块包含在rails helper 。 在这里,我们还将RequestSpecHelper包括在所有类型中(不仅仅是请求); 删除type: :request 。 这样,我们将能够重用我们方便的json帮助器。

RSpec.configure do |config|  # [...]  # previously `config.include RequestSpecHelper, type: :request`  config.include RequestSpecHelper  config.include ControllerSpecHelper  # [...]end

At this point, if you attempt to run the tests, You should get a load error. You guessed it, this is because we haven't defined the class. Let's do just that!

此时,如果尝试运行测试,则应该得到加载错误。 您猜对了,这是因为我们尚未定义类。 让我们做到这一点!

# app/auth/authorize_api_request.rbclass AuthorizeApiRequest  def initialize(headers = {
}) @headers = headers end # Service entry point - return valid user object def call {
user: user } end private attr_reader :headers def user # check if user is in the database # memoize user object @user ||= User.find(decoded_auth_token[:user_id]) if decoded_auth_token # handle user not found rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e # raise custom error raise( ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, ("#{
Message.invalid_token} #{
e.message}") ) end # decode authentication token def decoded_auth_token @decoded_auth_token ||= JsonWebToken.decode(http_auth_header) end # check for token in `Authorization` header def http_auth_header if headers['Authorization'].present? return headers['Authorization'].split(' ').last end raise(ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, Message.missing_token) endend

The AuthorizeApiRequest service gets the token from the authorization headers, attempts to decode it to return a valid user object. We also have a singleton Message to house all our messages; this an easier way to manage our application messages. We'll define it in app/lib since it's non-domain-specific.

AuthorizeApiRequest服务从授权标头获取令牌,尝试对其进行解码以返回有效的用户对象。 我们还有一个单例Message来容纳我们所有的消息; 这是管理我们的应用程序消息的简便方法。 我们将在app/lib定义它,因为它不是特定于域的。

# app/lib/message.rbclass Message  def self.not_found(record = 'record')    "Sorry, #{
record} not found." end def self.invalid_credentials 'Invalid credentials' end def self.invalid_token 'Invalid token' end def self.missing_token 'Missing token' end def self.unauthorized 'Unauthorized request' end def self.account_created 'Account created successfully' end def self.account_not_created 'Account could not be created' end def self.expired_token 'Sorry, your token has expired. Please login to continue.' endend

Run the auth specs and everything should be green.


$ bundleexec rspec spec/auth -fd

( )

This class will be responsible for authenticating users via email and password.


Since this is also an authentication service class, it'll live in app/auth.


$touch app/auth/authenticate_user.rb# Create corresponding spec file$ touch spec/auth/authenticate_user_spec.rb

Let's define its specifications.


# spec/auth/authenticate_user_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe AuthenticateUser do  # create test user  let(:user) {
create(:user) } # valid request subject subject(:valid_auth_obj) {
described_class.new(user.email, user.password) } # invalid request subject subject(:invalid_auth_obj) {
described_class.new('foo', 'bar') } # Test suite for AuthenticateUser#call describe '#call' do # return token when valid request context 'when valid credentials' do it 'returns an auth token' do token = valid_auth_obj.call expect(token).not_to be_nil end end # raise Authentication Error when invalid request context 'when invalid credentials' do it 'raises an authentication error' do expect {
invalid_auth_obj.call } .to raise_error( ExceptionHandler::AuthenticationError, /Invalid credentials/ ) end end endend

The AuthenticateUser service also has an entry point #call. It should return a token when user credentials are valid and raise an error when they're not. Running the auth specs and they should fail with a load error. Let's go ahead and implement the class.

AuthenticateUser服务还具有一个入口#call 。 当用户凭证有效时,它应该返回一个令牌,而当用户凭证无效时,它将引发一个错误。 运行身份验证规范,它们会因加载错误而失败。 让我们继续实施该类。

# app/auth/authenticate_user.rbclass AuthenticateUser  def initialize(email, password)    @email = email    @password = password  end  # Service entry point  def call    JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: user.id) if user  end  private  attr_reader :email, :password  # verify user credentials  def user    user = User.find_by(email: email)    return user if user && user.authenticate(password)    # raise Authentication error if credentials are invalid    raise(ExceptionHandler::AuthenticationError, Message.invalid_credentials)  endend

The AuthenticateUser service accepts a user email and password, checks if they are valid and then creates a token with the user id as the payload.


$ bundleexec rspec spec/auth -fd

( )

This controller will be responsible for orchestrating the authentication process making use of the auth service we have just created.


# generate the Authentication Controller$ rails g controller Authentication

First thing's first. Tests!

首先是第一。 测试!

# spec/requests/authentication_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe 'Authentication', type: :request do  # Authentication test suite  describe 'POST /auth/login' do    # create test user    let!(:user) {
create(:user) } # set headers for authorization let(:headers) {
valid_headers.except('Authorization') } # set test valid and invalid credentials let(:valid_credentials) do {
email: user.email, password: user.password }.to_json end let(:invalid_credentials) do {
email: Faker::Internet.email, password: Faker::Internet.password }.to_json end # set request.headers to our custon headers # before { allow(request).to receive(:headers).and_return(headers) } # returns auth token when request is valid context 'When request is valid' do before {
post '/auth/login', params: valid_credentials, headers: headers } it 'returns an authentication token' do expect(json['auth_token']).not_to be_nil end end # returns failure message when request is invalid context 'When request is invalid' do before {
post '/auth/login', params: invalid_credentials, headers: headers } it 'returns a failure message' do expect(json['message']).to match(/Invalid credentials/) end end endend

The authentication controller should expose an /auth/login endpoint that accepts user credentials and returns a JSON response with the result.


# app/controllers/authentication_controller.rbclass AuthenticationController < ApplicationController  # return auth token once user is authenticated  def authenticate    auth_token =      AuthenticateUser.new(auth_params[:email], auth_params[:password]).call    json_response(auth_token: auth_token)  end  private  def auth_params    params.permit(:email, :password)  endend

Notice how slim the authentication controller is, we have our service architecture to thank for that. Instead, we make use of the authentication controller to piece everything together... to control authentication. We also need to add routing for authentication action.

请注意,身份验证控制器的厚度很薄,为此我们要感谢我们的服务体系结构。 相反,我们使用身份验证控制器将所有内容拼凑在一起...以控制身份验证。 我们还需要为身份验证操作添加路由。

# config/routes.rbRails.application.routes.draw do  # [...]  post 'auth/login', to: 'authentication#authenticate'end

In order to have users to authenticate in the first place, we need to have them signup first. This will be handled by the users controller.

为了让用户首先进行身份验证,我们需要首先让他们注册。 这将由用户控制器处理。

# generate users controller$ rails g controller Users# generate users request spec$ touch spec/requests/users_spec.rb

User signup spec.


# spec/requests/users_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe 'Users API', type: :request do  let(:user) {
build(:user) } let(:headers) {
valid_headers.except('Authorization') } let(:valid_attributes) do attributes_for(:user, password_confirmation: user.password) end # User signup test suite describe 'POST /signup' do context 'when valid request' do before {
post '/signup', params: valid_attributes.to_json, headers: headers } it 'creates a new user' do expect(response).to have_http_status(201) end it 'returns success message' do expect(json['message']).to match(/Account created successfully/) end it 'returns an authentication token' do expect(json['auth_token']).not_to be_nil end end context 'when invalid request' do before {
post '/signup', params: {
}, headers: headers } it 'does not create a new user' do expect(response).to have_http_status(422) end it 'returns failure message' do expect(json['message']) .to match(/Validation failed: Password can't be blank, Name can't be blank, Email can't be blank, Password digest can't be blank/) end end endend

The user controller should expose a /signup endpoint that accepts user information and returns a JSON response with the result. Add the signup route.

用户控制器应公开一个/signup端点,该端点接受用户信息并返回带有结果的JSON响应。 添加注册路线。

# config/routes.rbRails.application.routes.draw do  # [...]  post 'signup', to: 'users#create'end

And then implement the controller.


# app/controllers/users_controller.rbclass UsersController < ApplicationController  # POST /signup  # return authenticated token upon signup  def create    user = User.create!(user_params)    auth_token = AuthenticateUser.new(user.email, user.password).call    response = {
message: Message.account_created, auth_token: auth_token } json_response(response, :created) end private def user_params params.permit( :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation ) endend

The users controller attempts to create a user and returns a JSON response with the result. We use Active Record's create! method so that in the event there's an error, an exception will be raised and handled in the exception handler.

用户控制器尝试创建用户并返回带有结果的JSON响应。 我们使用Active Record的create! 方法,以便在发生错误的情况下,将引发异常并在异常处理程序中进行处理。

One more thing, we've wired up the user authentication bit but our API is still open; it does not authorize requests with a token.

还有一件事,我们已经连接了用户身份验证位,但是我们的API仍然处于打开状态; 它不使用令牌授权请求。

To fix this, we have to make sure that on every request (except authentication) our API checks for a valid token. To achieve this, we'll implement a callback in the application controller that authenticates every request. Since all controllers inherit from application controller, it will be propagated to all controllers.

要解决此问题,我们必须确保在每个请求(身份验证除外)上,我们的API都会检查有效令牌。 为了实现这一点,我们将在应用程序控制器中实现对每个请求进行身份验证的回调。 由于所有控制器都继承自应用程序控制器,因此它将传播到所有控制器。

# spec/controllers/application_controller_spec.rbrequire "rails_helper"RSpec.describe ApplicationController, type: :controller do  # create test user  let!(:user) {
create(:user) } # set headers for authorization let(:headers) {
'Authorization' => token_generator(user.id) } } let(:invalid_headers) {
'Authorization' => nil } } describe "#authorize_request" do context "when auth token is passed" do before {
allow(request).to receive(:headers).and_return(headers) } # private method authorize_request returns current user it "sets the current user" do expect(subject.instance_eval {
authorize_request }).to eq(user) end end context "when auth token is not passed" do before do allow(request).to receive(:headers).and_return(invalid_headers) end it "raises MissingToken error" do expect {
subject.instance_eval {
authorize_request } }. to raise_error(ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, /Missing token/) end end endend

Cool, now that we have the tests, let's implement the authorization.


# app/controllers/application_controller.rbclass ApplicationController < ActionController::API  include Response  include ExceptionHandler  # called before every action on controllers  before_action :authorize_request  attr_reader :current_user  private  # Check for valid request token and return user  def authorize_request    @current_user = (AuthorizeApiRequest.new(request.headers).call)[:user]  endend

On every request, the application will verify the request by calling the request authorization service. If the request is authorized, it will set the current user object to be used in the other controllers.

对于每个请求,应用程序将通过调用请求授权服务来验证请求。 如果请求被授权,它将设置要在其他控制器中使用的current user对象。

Notice how we don't have lots of guard clauses and conditionals in our controllers, this is because of our error handling implementation.


Let's remember that when signing up and authenticating a user we won't need a token. We'll only require user credentials. Thus, let's skip request authentication for these two actions.

请记住,在注册和验证用户时,我们不需要令牌。 我们只需要用户凭证。 因此,让我们跳过这两个操作的请求身份验证。

First, the authetication action.


# app/controllers/authentication_controller.rbclass AuthenticationController < ApplicationController  skip_before_action :authorize_request, only: :authenticate  # [...]end

Then the user signup action.


# app/controllers/users_controller.rbclass UsersController < ApplicationController  skip_before_action :authorize_request, only: :create  # [...]end

Run the tests and you'll notice, our Todo and TodoItems API is failing. Don't fret, this is exactly what we want; means our request authorization is working as intended. Let's update the API to cater for this.

运行测试,您会发现我们的Todo和TodoItems API失败了。 不要担心,这正是我们想要的。 表示我们的请求授权正在按预期进行。 让我们更新API来满足此要求。

In the Todos request spec, we'll make partial update all our requests to have authorization headers and a JSON payload.


# spec/requests/todos_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe 'Todos API', type: :request do  # add todos owner  let(:user) {
create(:user) } let!(:todos) {
create_list(:todo, 10, created_by: user.id) } let(:todo_id) {
todos.first.id } # authorize request let(:headers) {
valid_headers } describe 'GET /todos' do # update request with headers before {
get '/todos', params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] end describe 'GET /todos/:id' do before {
get "/todos/#{
todo_id}", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] end # [...] end describe 'POST /todos' do let(:valid_attributes) do # send json payload {
title: 'Learn Elm', created_by: user.id.to_s }.to_json end context 'when request is valid' do before {
post '/todos', params: valid_attributes, headers: headers } # [...] end context 'when the request is invalid' do let(:invalid_attributes) {
title: nil }.to_json } before {
post '/todos', params: invalid_attributes, headers: headers } it 'returns status code 422' do expect(response).to have_http_status(422) end it 'returns a validation failure message' do expect(json['message']) .to match(/Validation failed: Title can't be blank/) end end describe 'PUT /todos/:id' do let(:valid_attributes) {
title: 'Shopping' }.to_json } context 'when the record exists' do before {
put "/todos/#{
todo_id}", params: valid_attributes, headers: headers } # [...] end end describe 'DELETE /todos/:id' do before {
delete "/todos/#{
todo_id}", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] endend

Our todos controller doesn't know about users yet.Let's fix that.


# app/controllers/todos_controller.rbclass TodosController < ApplicationController  # [...]  # GET /todos  def index    # get current user todos    @todos = current_user.todos    json_response(@todos)  end  # [...]  # POST /todos  def create    # create todos belonging to current user    @todo = current_user.todos.create!(todo_params)    json_response(@todo, :created)  end  # [...]  private  # remove `created_by` from list of permitted parameters  def todo_params    params.permit(:title)  end  # [...]end

Let's update the Items API with the same.

让我们用相同的内容更新Items API。

# spec/requests/items_spec.rbrequire 'rails_helper'RSpec.describe 'Items API' do  let(:user) {
create(:user) } let!(:todo) {
create(:todo, created_by: user.id) } let!(:items) {
create_list(:item, 20, todo_id: todo.id) } let(:todo_id) {
todo.id } let(:id) {
items.first.id } let(:headers) {
valid_headers } describe 'GET /todos/:todo_id/items' do before {
get "/todos/#{
todo_id}/items", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] end describe 'GET /todos/:todo_id/items/:id' do before {
get "/todos/#{
id}", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] end describe 'POST /todos/:todo_id/items' do let(:valid_attributes) {
name: 'Visit Narnia', done: false }.to_json } context 'when request attributes are valid' do before do post "/todos/#{
todo_id}/items", params: valid_attributes, headers: headers end # [...] end context 'when an invalid request' do before {
post "/todos/#{
todo_id}/items", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] end end describe 'PUT /todos/:todo_id/items/:id' do let(:valid_attributes) {
name: 'Mozart' }.to_json } before do put "/todos/#{
id}", params: valid_attributes, headers: headers end # [...] # [...] end describe 'DELETE /todos/:id' do before {
delete "/todos/#{
id}", params: {
}, headers: headers } # [...] endend

Awesome, our specs are now up to date! Phew!

太棒了,我们的规格现已更新! !

Let's fire up the server for some manual testing.


# Attempt to access API without a token$ http :3000/todos# Signup a new user - get token from here$ http :3000/signup name=ash email=ash@email.com password=foobar password_confirmation=foobar# Get new user todos$ http :3000/todos \> Authorization:'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJleHAiOjE0ODg5MDEyNjR9.7txvLgDzFdX5NIUGYb3W45oNIXinwB_ITu3jdlG5Dds'# create todo for new user$ http POST :3000/todos title=Beethoven \> Authorization:'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJleHAiOjE0ODg5MDEyNjR9.7txvLgDzFdX5NIUGYb3W45oNIXinwB_ITu3jdlG5Dds'# Get create todos$ http :3000/todos \Authorization:'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJleHAiOjE0ODg5MDEyNjR9.7txvLgDzFdX5NIUGYb3W45oNIXinwB_ITu3jdlG5Dds'

( )

That's it for part two! At this point, you should have learned how to implement token based authentication with JWT.

第二部分就是这样! 在这一点上,您应该已经学会了如何使用JWT实现基于令牌的身份验证。

In the of this tutorial, we'll wrap up with API versioning, pagination and serialization. As always, hope to see you there. Cheers!

在本教程的中,我们将介绍API versioningpaginationserialization 。 和往常一样,希望在那里见到你。 干杯!


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